"Maria Eichhorn Restitutionspolitik Politics of Restitution Lenbachhaus
München", Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus München
(Hg.), Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2004
Ed. by Susanne Gaensheimer. Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, published 2004. Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne. 288 pp. with numerous ills. 28 x 20 cm. ISBN 3883758485 Bilingual in German and English.
S. Gaensheimer's introduction states: "In "Politics of Restitution," Maria Eichhorn investigates the provenance of fifteen oil paintings and one watercolor from the collection of Munich's Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus. She is not interested in a purely documentary approach, but in developing an artistic method that illuminates the heterogeneous levels of meaning a work of art can possess as of object of real history and as the subject of conflicting ownership claims. Historically speaking, all the sixteen works selected by Maria Eichhorn for this investigation are "tainted"in the sense that they have been (or still are) suspected of having been illegally confiscated from their owners by the Nazis, and thus being looted art. Their complex involuntary odyssey began at the places where they joined the Nazi collections and continued as they fulfilled the various museum and representational purposes to which the Nazis consigned them.(...) In this project Maria Eichhorn's intention is not to compete with scholarly historical researchers and their methods of provenance research. Rather, her aim is to develop an artistic methodology capable of representing and handling topics of such historical intricacy as the issue of Nazi-confiscated art in German museums, and their current restitution policies." Well-preserved volume is bound in original wrappers.
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